About Us
If you are looking for a church, or a new start, please come visit us at Shorelife. Check out our services at 10:30 AM each Sunday on site or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Shorelifecc/videos/405218613846310/
Why Our Church Exists
We exist as a church to love God, love people and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our deepest desire is to love and lead hundreds of people into a whole-hearted, personal relationship with Jesus Christ and encourage them to do the same. We ultimately see every member at Shorelife Community Church becoming a servant-leader and minister of Jesus Christ.
Since beginning on July 5, 1998, Shorelife has experienced a deep sense of God's grace. A community of people is now worshipping and serving God together. Some have started a relationship with Jesus, while others have a renewed commitment to Jesus and His church. People have been positively affected by the presence of Jesus Christ in the community. If you are looking for a relationship with God, or a church to which you can belong, you are invited to come join what God is doing in our church.
We believe that a healthy church is exciting to serve and belong to. If God's Spirit is present, the church will experience emotional and spiritual healing, love, joy, and the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that God is going to do miraculous things in our community.
At Shorelife our worship services feature:
Casual Dress
Community Atmosphere
Practical & Biblical Teaching
Great Music and Worship
Quality Child Care (Nursery-3rd Grade)
So, if you are looking for a new church home, or you haven't been in church lately and you are wondering what God has been up to, come join us!
Service Opportunities (Volunteer)
Being involved in a ministry team is part of what makes the church a true community. If you want to meet people and join in the fun of a Shorelife ministry team, we have plenty of opportunities to do so. There are teams serving on Sunday mornings, plus others occurring throughout the week. Please call the church if you are interested in serving.